How to NL


Regiotaxi is also known as deeltaxi 'shared taxi', Wmo-vervoer 'social suport transport', or AOV (Aanvullend Openbaar Vervoer) 'supplementary public transport'. Regiotaxi's provide door-to-door transport, primarily to people who have difficulties accessing regular public transport, e.g. people with specific mobility needs, people living in areas with no or very-limited public transport. Regiotaxi's are priced between regular public transport and regular taxis. Unlike regular taxis, regiotaxi's can make detours to pick up other passengers in your area. Regiotaxi's are regionally based, and typically travel no further than about 20 or 25km. Regiotaxi organisations usually require you to become a member first, and they ask questions like your address, and whether you use a wheelchair or mobility scooter. You book a service by ringing them or through their website/app, usually at least one hour before your intended time of travel.

Reigotaxi's operate in most municipalities in the Netherlands. Here is a list of all regiotaxi's in the Netherlands, and explanations in Dutch. For regiotaxi-travel outside your region, there is the Valys service.

Other than regiotaxi's, many buses, trams, metros, and taxis are wheelchair accessible. See also the pages on buses, trams, and metros and taxis and carpooling.
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